Pepsi Kick no mercado europeu

23 de julho de 2012

Pepsi Kick no mercado europeu

Chama-se Pepsi Kick e é a aposta da marca no segmento das bebidas energéticas.

Depois ser lançada em 2009 no México, onde atingiu uma quota de mercado de 44%, a Pepsi Kick, uma bebida sem açúcar e rica em cafeína, acaba de entrar no mercado europeu, sendo disponibilizada numa primeira fase na Holanda, em garrafas PET de 500ml.

Tal como refere a Exame brasileira, a Pepsi apresenta uma proposta parecida no Japão, a Pepsi Extra, que contém igualmente uma maior concentração de cafeína e é vendida em latas slim, de 200ml.

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Francisco Branco

Comentários (1)

  1. James watch out, it is easy to read what a company has posetd online about themselves to cast themselves as the heroes. Honestly, you would probably find similar testimonies on Coca-Cola’s web page. What Pepsi doesn’t put on their site is that they are buying water rights. If they recognize water as a right, so inherently a public domain, why would they be buying it for private use? Another factoid is that Pepsi and Aquafina are the same company, and we saw in flow how harmful water bottling corporations are. While I will admit Pepsi’s contributions are great, they might just be a method of covering their asses , for lack of a better term, if and when they are attacked for their corporate selfishness. Sorry for being so cynical, but it is easy to objectively sit back and criticize Corbin Rhoads

    por: Cecile,

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