8 de fevereiro de 2012

Dsection Magazine: do online para o papel

Filipe Fangueiro e Paulo Meixedo, fundadores Dsection Magazine.

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Jornalista: Teresa Salvado/Reporter de Imagem: João Ricardo Pinto/Edição: Rui Rodrigues

Comentários (1)

  1. This competition was very donippiintasg.90% of it was about either who had the best SMS spamming software, or the most friends on Facebook.Design skills were a very small factor of this competition since to be seen by the Adidas company you had to be in the top 10, and to get there, you had to get hundreds of dollars worth of votes. (Unless you use an sms spammer software)If you simply calculate how much time a person has to vote for themselves in 48 hours in order to reach over a thousand votes, you’ll see there’s no way to do it the legal way.Congrats to John for the win, very nice design.I hope the Talenthouse people learn from this and change the next competition. At least the final judges should be able to see everything.It’s pretty simple to do either one number one vote or one email address, one vote. or better yet, only talenthouse members can vote. there must be a better way than this.I think it also explain why the top 10 weren’t published, i don’t think talenthouse wants to show some of those to the public as top 10 designs

    por: Qronq,

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